10–14 JUne 2024

by ural Motorcyle

8 years ago we had an IDEA. this year we’re Doing it.

Imagine this – a column of Ural Motorcycles, riding together and snaking its way through the lush, green and evocative Normandy countryside, joining in the unique historic events that mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. 

A genuine once in a lifetime experience.

At Gusto Motorbikes, we believe this is the perfect opportunity to bring Ural riders together, to participate in the commemorations and to foster the spirit of inclusivity that Ural stands for – to properly "adventure together".

The plan is to organise one group ride per day between the 10th and 14th June 2024, to the different commemorative destinations, with lunch stops and picture-perfect view points along the way.

The group will consist of left- and right-hand sidecar bikes, and will be guided and "swept", by us at Gusto Motorbikes.

You can join us for one day, a couple of days or every day, it’s up  to you. You can read more about the events that are being organised on the Normandy Tourism page.

If you’re interested and would like to know more send us an email and we’ll send you the latest info and where we expect to go the next day.

This is going to be epic.
Are you in?